Doing the dishes, a new blood sport

Today was Labour Day, a public holiday for Australians (this one only for Victoria and Tasmania) and was supposed to be wakeboarding day for us. However me and Nat both woke up feeling a bit crap, two days of late night drinking seems to have finally caught up with us and her leg is still giving her jip.

I was aiming to go for a cycle until I decided to do the dishes and split my head open. Haha, who knew it could be such a dangerous task? Basically I slid the top of my head across the corner of a cupboard which in turn cut me open, it didn’t bleed for too long though but I decided to chill for a bit afterwards.

So another bloody (hoho) lazy day. Moomba parade was on in Melbourne, luckily for us it was also televised. I did go out for an hours walk in the evening along Moonee Creek as I had to get out, then caught up with Top Gear’s Christmas special and the latest episode of The Walking Dead. Should be Brew Day tomorrow. 🙂

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