
My China in bullet points

Thought I’d put together a rough outline of my loathing and loving of China in a few bullet points…

What I won’t miss:

  1. The Smog (quite a big one this)
  2. People spitting everywhere
  3. Having to use a VPN
  4. People’s driving
  5. Not being able to cook (unique to me this one)
  6. Oil stains from food
  7. Not being able to drink from the tap
  8. No one gives a f*ck (note: see things I will miss)

What I WILL miss:

  1. Friends (Randy, Suzy, Henry, Yuki)
  2. Family (they were great)
  3. Food! (Jian Bing, Jidan Guan Bing, ANY Bing, Dumpling, Baozi, Noodle, etc)
  5. The Subway
  6. Hutong exploring
  7. Great Leap (Enda you’re a dude)
  8. Learning a new language
  9. No one gives a f*ck (it can be of advantage sometimes!)
  10. Food! (yes again!)

There will be more but this is what came to mind…

How to block your eBay account: Step 1.

Bloody hell so much for him being back to school! It would seem holidays have kicked in (which would explain why Linda was home too) but it felt like the school had been brought here as four of his mates turned up along with some A Yi’s. Jebus. I would have been out the door and to the pub but the air was shite today. 😦 Everyone buggered off after lunch so I was able to really chill then, until I tried to buy something on eBay…

At least this made me smile a bit

At least this made me smile a bit

I was all set to buy some brewing equipment (shock horror) on Aussie eBay when my account was blocked. Fair enough, I’m in Beijing buying something in Melbourne, it looks kinda suspect. I couldn’t do the verification process as it had an old telephone number and their online chat directed me to a customer service call centre. I was on the phone for 30mins trying to get the block removed but ended with me having to send a photocopy of my driving licence to prove who I am. This process can take 7-10 days. WTF. Slightly pee’d off I resigned to the fact I could do no more and joined Randy and Benjamin for a game of Scrabble. (Mum tell Andy this is for his own good… 😉 )

I'm so proud...

I’m so proud…

Benjamin’s Dad didn’t arrive today (he’d left by-the-by but was coming back) and Yu was off to Hong Kong. I got my certificate in the mail, yaaaay. At least one thing today fairly perked me up from the eBay nightmare, Nat had emailed saying a group of us would be staying in a pimpin’ beach holiday home after the festival! HELLZ YEAH. 😀 I’m loving Oz all ready.